If you’re anything like me, you know that sometimes getting up in the morning can be tough! Here’s 10 great tips on how to get up and in a better mood to boot!

1. Don’t Hit Snooze

I’m the worst at this- but that ten minutes is better spent getting yourself ready to go than just falling back asleep again

2. Look on the bright side of your to-do list
One of the things we do in the morning is go through our to-do list. Rather than beating yourself up with the things you HAVE to do- think about the things you GET to do.

3. Get that natural light
Even if you’re in a basement- get those blinds open as soon as you wake up. Just a little sunlight makes a world of difference- and never waste a sunny day because there’ll be plenty of cloudy ones come winter!

4. Crank some tunes!
Get the radio on- or a playlist of some of your favourites! Don’t be afraid to dance a little too- just make sure you didn’t open the window TOO MUCH if you’re still in the buff!

5. Get the blood flowing!
Exercise! Even if you don’t have time to make it to the gym that could just mean a few push-ups, a quick jog in the spot or even some yoga. Namaste!

6. Breakfast!
It really is the most important meal of the day! Don’t scrunch out if you can- and make sure to get some protein in there!

7. Just chill..
This is where the snooze button comes in to play. Rather than rushing out the door- maybe you can sit down and enjoy a coffee or even a few deep breaths before you hit the road.

8. Don’t touch social media
It’s probably the last thing you saw before bed anyways- don’t go right from the dream world to the virtual world without a little pit stop in the real world first. Facebook will be there all day for you- no need to potentially wake up on the wrong side of bed just because someone else did (and then posted about it)

9. Dress well.
A good wardrobe exudes confidence- and by picking out a fun or unique outfit the night before you just might find yourself excited to get dressed!

10. Get some fresh air
And by fresh air- I don’t just mean the trek to the end of the driveway to your car. There will be plenty of time for sprints come the winter- go for a quick walk around the block. Check the mail. Maybe even bike to work if you can!

Filed under: Life Hacks